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CarbonCurb Action 17
Go digital and also minimize your use of paper towels.


The pulp and paper production industry accounts for about 2% of direct industrial CO2 emissions, with additional emissions resulting from degradation of forest ecosystems, and emissions associated with the total lifecycle of paper products, from transport through to recycling or disposal. Americans use thousands of sheets of paper per person per year. The CO2 emissions from producing, transporting, and disposing of paper weigh twice as much as the paper itself. Think about that next time you are holding a ream of paper or a textbook. Aside from printer paper, Americans have an addiction to other paper products, such as paper towels. The average American household uses more than one roll of cloth paper towels per week and uses other paper towels or napkins to clean or dry their hands dozens of times per week. Each roll of paper towels contributes roughly a kilogram of CO2 to our atmosphere. A single hand drying scenario uses several grams of CO2. Action 17 is all about recognizing the wasteful ways we use paper, whether in the office, in the bathroom, or at home. Instead of purchasing rolls of paper towels, use washable rags, hand towels, and linen napkins. Instead of using paper towels or hand dryers after washing your hands, give them a couple of good shakes and they'll be dry in no time. If you must immediately have dry hands, keep a personal towel with you. Only print things off that must absolutely be printed. If you need a break from the screen, blue light glasses help you avoid eye strain and prevent unnecessary printing. The impact of changing your view on paper and reducing your consumption of it by half is:


Annual Savings:
230 kg CO2e
1.4% of your emissions


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